Friday, August 29, 2014


For those struggling to be pure in body, mind and spirit.
"Blessed are the clean in heart, for they will see God" (Matthew 5:8)

Inspired by the art nouveau style. I am not sure why this is appearing darker than it actually is.


Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Hat Shop

It's been a while since I've posted. Using what free time I had from a long day at work, I decided to sketch over old drawings of mine. This one was inspired by Howl's Movie Castle (hat shop scene) and was drawn in 2009. The new version took an hour to sketch and reflects more of how I've been feeling for the past few weeks...uninspired...but not today! Obviously. I am happy with what I drew up, especially with her body language being easier to understand versus an awkward pose.

Thanks for viewing.

Until next time...


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Spring Fairy

It finally feeling like Spring! Quick sketch. Opencanvas .5.5.

Monday, April 14, 2014

Young Artist

Here's an illustration I did just for practice with children's book illustrations. The original was done on paper with pencil and Copic markers. I'm an amateur when it comes to makers, I just ended up smudging everything which I'm sure happened because I didn't ink the drawing. One day I'll be great at using markers but for now I'll stick to digital medium...or maybe both like in this case. Critiques are always welcome!


Sunday, March 23, 2014

Family Caricatures

I found this looking through my old works and I remember meaning to post this after I drew it a year ago. I figured that it would be best to practice making caricatures of my family members. I hardly used references. This was a good practice but I know I need to work more on exaggeration.


Sunday, March 16, 2014

Gift of Life

This is an illustration dedicated to my mom, Eu. It's still a work in progress but I'm really proud of how this turned out, especially with how I painted her face. In case you're wondering, the baby is me! <3 p="">

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Catching Air Sketch

So, I asked my sister to give me an image off the top of her head and she gave me this snowboarder making a jump. I like to test my ability in sketching on command without reference. I was pretty damn close to an actual photo that I looked up afterwards, but had to adjust her right arm. This is a quick paint, about 3 hours. It's not perfect with the board in an odd perspective. Done in OpenCanvas 5. I love the colors which my sister helped me pick out for the jacket and hair. I had fun with this one and it's fitting for the weather!


Monday, February 3, 2014


One of my resolutions for this year is to complete my portfolio and start working on my own website. So far, so good. I am trying to be as productive as possible during my free time. I know there was a lot that I promised in my previous posts about new artwork but I've decided to focus on works that I started last year. This piece is one of them. Done initially in Photoshop CS4 and will be completed in Open Canvas. I love fantasy and I'm a true believer of guardian angels, which makes this one of my favorite illustrations. I plan on having fun with the background on this one, filled with little creatures (the closeup is a preview). I am happy to say that I am almost finished with this! The final, of course, will be posted on my future website. Thanks for viewing and I look forward to comments/critiques.

Edit: After a lot of thought, I've decided to exclude my angel character and create a new image with her. My sister and I agreed that she looked out of place while looking at the image as a whole. I have great ideas for the illustration I will place her in! 
