Sunday, December 22, 2013

Dog Fishing

So...the program that I used to create this piece, is OpenCanvas. It was the very first program I experimented with 10 years ago and you can check out my old portfolio on DeviantArt that I started in 2004. I don't know why I didn't think to use it again because it's just so awesome! I was fixated on using the more well known and more expensive software when this one works just as well. It doesn't have a lot of effects, tools and options as does Photoshop and Painter, however, having less means I can be a little more creative with colors and technique. Not to say that there's not a lot you can do with it because you absolutely can! The unique thing about OpenCanvas is that I could save my work as an event and playback my progress. Plus, I was always a fan of the watercolor brush. Opencanvas has definitely improved a lot since I've used in 2004 and has the same feel that I'm used to. The price is what seals the deal at $59 versus having to spend hundreds or thousands. I'd say this a good program to start with and build a portfolio.

Enough about that. It's been a crazy week but I still manage to work little by little on my art. A lot needs to be done with this piece especially with its composition. I like my work but it's always the composition that gets to me. I wonder...what can I do to make this better? All comments are welcome.
